Using social software to work smarter, not harder

Using social software
to work smarter,
not harder

Publish, subscribe +
= better communication

Follow more in less time,
control the info flow

We can post it,
We can fix it
= Living documents
Social bookmarking:
Find + share + remember

Social software
Tagged interests and
abilities + search/browse
= find my right people

Future is MMOW
Blogs, wikis, feeds, Facebook, MySpace, Second Life, etc. will
Massively Multiplayer
Online Work

Internet Librarian 2006 () session presentation

The future is MMOW -- the "why?" driving this presentation

Can you imagine hearing "I'm so blogging that" behind the firewall?

If you can't, come to this session and discover why and how blogs and other social software tools can be used by teams to foster communication, collaboration, and innovation. If you are already blogging at work, learn more about how combining blogs, wikis, bookmarks, feeds, and other services is working smarter, not harder.

The key ideas from my presentation are over there on the right. They are also available in powerpoint format, for folks who for their own strange reasons prefer a deck instead of a web-friendly format.

About me

I work for Intuit's Innovation Lab as a Community Evangelist, serving in the capacity of web geek and and community expert. My experience spans intranet management, web development, online strategy, and blogging. I've presented at the Museums and the Web conference, the IA Summit, and I will have a chapter in A Day in the Life edited by Priscilla K. Shontz, forthcoming from Libraries Unlimited (2007). I've piled up degrees from Sarah Lawrence College (BA), University of Nebraska-Lincoln (MA), and Simmons (MLS).

For more info on my webby pursuits or to contact me via various social software sites, check out my claimID page.

Last updated 09..22.2006